Athletic Department Information

Dr. Chet Hesson, Director of Athletics

 A letter from your Athletic Director:

Dear Students, Parents, and Fans,

In the Athletic Office of Monroe High School we are dedicated to making your life as an athlete, student, parent or fan, as enjoyable and convenient as possible.  My staff and I have strived to put in place all the information you could possibly need at your fingertips.

We have worked to create a friendly, helpful atmosphere in our office.  We welcome you to come in with any questions, concerns, or just to chat. Our normal office hours are 7am to 3:30pm.

We support Monroe Trojans, take pride in our athletes, and are honored to serve as a support system to one of the strongest and historic athletic programs in our area.

We Are Monroe!!


Dr. Chet Hesson, Director of Athletics  (265-3444) 
Holly Carr-Marshall, Sr. Administrative Assistant (265-3442) 

Email the Athletic Department:



Holly Carr-Marshall,                          Sr. Administrative Asst-Athletics